Blue Pool. This is a beautiful little pool with a name I can’t find, which lies in the Norris Basin of Yellowstone just down the path from Echinus Geyser (steam in background).
This was the first shot of the night on a beautiful August evening. The breeze was blowing in a perfect direction to push steam away from the camera. As I pondered the night to come I sat on a log awaiting night to commence. Arch Steam Vent was directly behind me whistling then gushing forth steam and boiling water. The whole area gurgles, much more perceptibly once night has fallen and the echoes in the area sound as if buffaloes are charging or perhaps the distant rumble of approaching thunder.
I felt the misting on my cheeks as I walked the paths through areas of steam thick as London fog. Certainly I was alone in the human perspective, but you can still feel the presence of eyes, eyes hidden in the dark steamy night.
I have wandered the back trails of Yellowstone at night and unless you have, you will never understand the apprehension and beauty that washes over your body. To be standing in darkness amongst such a primal place is to feel the sacred nature of Yellowstone National Park.
Please enjoy the image which has daunted me for 5 days to get prepared for your viewing. The color balance due to the trees and steam in the night proved much harder than I suspected.
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Technical: Canon 6D 35mm f1.8 ISO 6400 25 images 5×5 matrix.