So how does it work? Let’s go through an example. Here are a series of images I did on the star Vega. Vega is a bright star that is always visible when its Milky Way season. Vega rises before the Milky Way so you can focus on it even when the Milky Way is below the horizon.
How it works: The Goal of the Reveal Focus Filter is to create six spikes (really there are three spikes that pass through the star but if you are counting them one-by-one I don’t want you confused) on bright stars. There is a main large spike then an X of four smaller spikes. The goal is to get the main large spike centered between the X and centered on the star itself. As soon as that is done BOOM you have perfect focus in as little as 2-3 seconds.
Using the Reveal Focuser Filter and 10x Liveview here was my first attempt at focus.
It took me 2-3 seconds to get this result
This is a test shot to see if I got it right. This is a 5 second shot straight out of the camera.
That result is very very close to accurate, but the central spike is just slightly to the left of centered on Vega, I’m sure the resulting image would be outstanding, but that is not good enough for me. So let’s make a slight adjustment and take another 5-second exposure and see what happens.
Opps went the wrong way. Even this move of maybe a half a millimeter on the focuser changed it this much. Let’s move it back a bit and try again.
The focus is closer. Still, it is worse than what I could do with my naked eye and live view. Let’s adjust the focus ring and try another 5-second shot.
Yikes! Boy, just a tiny amount of adjustment is way too much. Time for another focus adjustment.
There we go! Perfect result. Splits the X and the central spike is centered on Vega. Notice even the minor stars around Vega have spikes. The Reveal filter mask is THAT sensitive.
Here’s a 5-second image of the area around Vega after the mask is removed.
Now THAT is super tight focus, all in under 30 seconds.
It’s the world’s easiest to use focusing system for DSLRs. It is fast, easy to use and gives the very best results you can get. All for a very low price, which is maybe the best part
Now let us see what kind of Milky Way results we get from this focusing session.